Dissemination of proven IPM technologies and classical biological measures to manage fruit flies (within the Integrated Biological Control Applied Research Programme -- IBCARP)

This project aims to adapt proven IPM technologies and biological control to manage fruit flies in Kenya and Ethiopia. icipe is adopting a two pronged approach in this project. The first includes assembling, adapting and disseminating proven fruit fly management technologies to minimise the impact of the pests on fruit fly production. The second approach involves developing alternative products from cheap locally available raw materials. The project also seeks to understand the mechanisms underlying the efficacy of tools such as parasitoids and biopesticides and establish post-harvest disinfestation parameters for mango using hot water treatment. Improved fruit fly management by small-holder mango growers will directly benefit at least 10,000 households.

Additional research on this component are being conducted within the Social Science and Impact Assessment Unit


  • European Union


  • Anglican Development Services (ADS)
  • Real IPM, Kenya
  • Kenya Biologic
  • Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR)