Pierre Celestin Ndayisaba (Rwanda)

Pierre Ndayisaba

Research project title:  Climate change mitigation through improved soil health; carbon sequestration and nitrogen fixation under the push-pull technology as a case study.

Research goals: Evaluating the push – pull technology ability to mitigate the climate change through improvement of soil health with a focus on carbon sequestration and nitrogen fixation.

Supervisors:  Dr. Charles Midega, Prof. Z.R. Khan (icipe) and Dr. Shem Kuyah, Dr. Peter N. Mwangi (JKUAT).

Bio:  Ndayisaba obtained an advanced diploma in soil and water resource management from ISAE – Busogo, and a MSc in environmental sciences from Kenyatta University, Nairobi – Kenya. His MSc research was about the ‘Effects of inorganic and organic fertilizers on nutrient uptake, soil chemical properties and crop performance in maize based cropping systems in eastern province of Rwanda’.