Climate Change Impacts on Ecosystem Services and Food Security in Eastern Africa (CHIESA)
CHIESA is a research and development project, which aims to build climate change adaptation capacity, and to disseminate relevant strategies, among research communities, extension officers and decision makers and local communities. The Project’s main focus is to increase knowledge on the impacts of climate change on ecosystem services in the Eastern Afromontane Biodiversity Hotspot, specifically: Taita Hills (Kenya); Mount Kilimanjaro (Tanzania) and Jimma Highlands (Ethiopia).
icipe is the implementing agency of CHIESA, coordinating activities within eight distinct work packages among four universities in Africa and Europe, and overseeing the participation of 22 stakeholder institutions.
The CHIESA consortium monitors weather, detects land use and land cover change, and studies biophysical and socio-economical factors affecting crop yields and food security. In collaboration with local communities, CHIESA will develop, test and disseminate climate change adaptation tools, options and strategies at the farm level. Further, CHIESA is providing training for stakeholder organisations, enhancing monitoring and prediction facilities by installing automatic weather stations, and disseminatingscientific outputs to various actors from farmers to policymakers.
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Finland
Lead Partners
- University of Helsinki, Finland
- University of York, United Kingdom
- University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
- Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania
For further information visit CHIESA website:
Work Package 5: Assessment of Ecosystem Pest management and Pollination
- Robert Copeland (
- Sevgan Subramanian (
- Samira Mohamed (
- Régis Babin (
Work Package 7 Elaboration of Adaptation Strategies
Support Staff
- Karen Wambui, Project Assistant
- Sarah Murabula Achola, Research Assistant
- Sarah Ndonye, Research Assistant