Project and Organization Data

icipe acknowledges the importance of publishing data in compliance with International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) standards, which includes ensuring:

  • Availability of data published by foundations, donor governments, NGOs, UN agencies, private sector organisations and development finance institutions;
  • Data is ‘open’ and can be used by anyone;
  • Data is transparent and of good quality;
  • Regular updates of information;
  • A common standard is used, so data is easier to plan, track and compare outcomes and impact of different projects/activities;
  • Best data promotes development, effective decisions, e.g. during a humanitarian crisis;
  • Data is an important planning aid for developing and donor governments; and
  • Users can search, visualize or download data in charts, maps, and spreadsheets.

icipe has been publishing information about its development projects and activities on the IATI platform since 2018. This information is published via Aidstream, and is updated every six months. Aidstream is an online aid data publishing platform.

The information provided on this site is published using IATI’s data standards, which emphasize transparency, accessibility and ease-of-use. Please click on the link below to access activity data.

Activity data

Additional information

License / Terms of use

Unless otherwise noted, the icipe IATI data is licensed under the Open Data Commons - Attribution License (ODC-BY).  Because other information can be legally distinct from its contents, we use the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY)  This licenses meet the Open Definition criteria. For the terms of use, visit
Open Data Commons – Attribution:
Creative Commons – Attribution: