The icipe Bioprospecting Programme undertakes research and development towards the following:
- Discovery, development and commercialization of products from biodiversity for pest, vector and disease management.
- Promotion of sustainable production, commercialization and use of nature-based products through Private-Public-Community Partnerships (PPCP).
- Capacity building of natural resource-dependent rural communities to sustainably produce pesticidal and medicinal plants and products for pest, vector and disease management for:
- Livelihood improvement, biodiversity conservation and climate change mitigation.
- Promotion of new cash crops from traditional insecticidal and medicinal plants for rural community development.
- Promotion of Green Economy in Africa.
- John Bwire (, Researcher
- Fred Nduguli (, Research, Capacity Building and Commercial Activities
- Rose Marubu (, Researcher
- Lamberts Moreka (, Research Assistant
- Nixon Onyimbo (
- Victorine Taka Buluma