Enhancing the sustainability of community-based insecticidal and medicinal plant enterprises, bio-monitoring of environmental health and youth sensitization in Kenya and Tanzania for livelihood improvement and biodiversity conservation
The project seeks to contribute to the conservation of biodiversity and the environment within and adjacent to the biodiversity-rich ecosystems of the East Usambara Mountains, Kakamega and Shimba Hills forests in Tanzania and Kenya that are highly threatened due to economic and population pressure. It is enhancing the sustainability of the on-going local community-based insecticidal and medicinal plant enterprises, environmental biological monitoring, pollinator conservation and youth sensitization. Income from the enterprises plays a role in improving the livelihoods of the adjacent communities, reducing economic pressure on forest resources and motivating community members to engage in environmental conservation activities. The community-based environmental biological monitoring, pollinator conservation and youth sensitization activities promote awareness among the local and wider community about the value and importance of biodiversity and the environment, and the need for conservation of ecosystem services.