Postponement of anniversary ceremony
In light of the situation relating to COVID-19 (Coronavirus), the commemoration of icipe’s 50th anniversary ceremony has been postponed from 3rd April 2020 to 20th November 2020, still being held at our Duduville Campus, Nairobi, Kenya.
This decision has not been taken lightly; it has been reached after weighing all prevailing circumstances on the evolving outbreak of COVID-19 and in consideration of the emerging and potential difficulties around travel and the health and safety of all.
We apologize for any inconveniences this change may cause and sincerely hope to be able to hold the ceremony as rescheduled, later in the year.
The 50th anniversary is a great milestone for icipe and through our website (, and social media pages, we will continue to share information on other planned activities taking place during the year, including sharing in due course, our 50th anniversary special publication.