Rose Nyakemiso Sagwe (Kenyan)
Rose Nyakemiso Sagwe
Research project: Community composition, pollinator diversity and pollination efficiency in avocado production across different landscapes in Kenya.
Rose is a DRIP PhD Scholar supervised by Dr. Michael Lattorrf (icipe) and Prof. Ingolf Steffan Dewenter (University of Würzburg) Her research interest is in pollination ecology in crop enhance food security. Rose is currently researching on the abundance and diversity of pollinator community composition in avocado production systems, both in spatial and temporal dimension in different landscape habitats , she is also working on the pollination efficiency between managed bees and wild pollinators and assessing pollination deficit for avocado and the contribution of avocado crop to bee colonies productivity across farming landscapes in Kenya Rose completed her undergraduate studies in B ed science (Biology and Geography) at Egerton University, Kenya, and obtained a MSc in Conservation Biology from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya.
She is currently registered for a PhD at University of Würzburg Germany & Research, Kenya, and is supported by a scholarship from icipe.