Tsetse flies, the vectors of nagana (African Animal Trypanosomosis - AAT), and sleeping sickness (Human African Trypanosomosis - HAT), are unique to Africa and occur in 36 sub Saharan African (SSA) countries.
The overall negative economic impact of AAT on agriculture and livestock sectors is estimated at $ 4.75 billion per annum. Particularly affected are pastoral and agro-pastoral communities, about 260 million people, who are among the poorest in Africa. AAT also has implications for food insecurity, and for socio-cultural aspects, since livestock is closely interlinked with health, wealth and social status in many communities.
HAT continues to be a public health problem in several SSA countries, with approximately 70 million people at risk.
For further information, please contact:
Dan Masiga (dmasiga@icipe.org)