Journal Articles: 2019
Mbewe N.J., Saini R.K., Irungu J., Yusuf A.A., Pirk C.W.W. and Torto B. (2019) Responses of Glossina fuscipes fuscipes to visually attractive stationary devices baited with 4-methylguaiacol and certain repellent compounds in waterbuck odour. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 13(7), e0007510.
Kinyungu T. N., Muthomi J. W., Subramanian S., Miano D. W., Olubayo F.M. and Maobe M. A. (2019) Role of maize residues in transmission of maize chlorotic mottle virus and effect on yield. International Journal of Biosciences 14, 338–349.
Siozios S., Moran J., Chege M., Hurst G.D.D. and Paredes J.C. (2019) Complete reference genome assembly for Commensalibacter sp. strain AMU001, an acetic acid bacterium isolated from the gut of honey bees. Microbiology Resource Announcements 8, e01459-01418.
Shumo M., Osuga I.M., Khamis F.M., Tanga C.M., Fiaboe K.K.M., Subramanian S., Ekesi S., van Huis A. and Borgemeister C. (2019) The nutritive value of black soldier fly larvae reared on common organic waste streams in Kenya. Scientific Reports 9, 10110.