23rd Annual Workshop of the Horticultural Association of Kenya (HAK)
The objective of HAK (http://www.hakenya.net) is to promote horticultural science in Kenya through the generation, dissemination and exchange of horticultural information and technologies among members and stakeholders. The Association has about 250 members drawn from universities, research organisations and industry.
Individual Consultant to Review Rsif Doctoral Programs at the Rsif African Host Universities
The consulting services (“the Services”) will be to support Rsif efforts in strengthening the institutional capacity and improving the quality of its doctoral training programs at the AHUs.
Individual Consultant to facilitate development of a Scholarships and Grants Information Management System
The consulting services (“the Services”) will be to undertake development of a Management Information System to improve the current processes (Windows 1,2 &3).
Individual Consultant to Conduct an Independent Technical Evaluation of The Rsif Research and Innovation Grants
The consulting services (“the Services”) will be to evaluate the contribution of Rsif research grants and innovation grants to research excellence and innovation capacity at the African host universities and other beneficiaries.
Consultancy to Design and Deliver A PHD Supervision Course for Rsif Alumni and Existing Faculty
The consulting services (“the Services”) will be to support services of a trainer to enhance the skills and knowledge of Rsif early career scientists (Alumni) and existing faculty in supervising PhD students.