Prof Ingrid Öborn
Prof Ingrid Öborn
Ingrid Öborn is Professor of Agricultural Cropping System at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) in Uppsala, Sweden. She is also a Senior Research Fellow of World Agroforestry (CIFOR-ICRAF) and a member of the icipe Governing Council. She is chairing the Swedish Research Council (VR) Committee on Development Research. Professor Öborn has a PhD in Soil Science and an MSc in Agriculture and has experience of agroforestry research, policy and practice in East Africa and Southeast Asia where she lived 2012-2018. Her research interests include food and nutrition security in smallholder farming systems, climate risks and resilience, climate change adaptation and mitigation on farms and in agricultural landscapes, nutrient cycling on farms and in the food system, sustainable diversification and ecological intensification of farming systems, multi-functionality of agricultural landscapes, ecosystem services, agroforestry and the interface between agriculture and forestry. She leads Drylands Transform ( – a project working on pathways and challenges towards a transformation of landscapes, livestock and livelihoods implemented in Kenya and Uganda. She is involved in research on the potential of multi-purpose legumes in mixed crop-livestock systems in East Africa, climate-smart agricultural practices in Zimbabwe and market-based agroforestry on sloping land in Vietnam.
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