A brief history of icipe@50

Dear Colleagues and Friends,
This year, 2020, marks the 50th anniversary of the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe). As part of our golden jubilee commemoration, we are most delighted to present a special publication that provides the first comprehensive narrative of the Centre; from inception to present, and a forecast of future goals. Click here to download report

icipe was founded in 1970 by the late internationally renowned Kenyan scientist, Prof. Thomas Risley Odhiambo. This was at a time when the very notion that insect science – or indeed, the then woefully small indigenous African scientific communities – could contribute to a prosperous future for Africa, must have seemed audacious to say the least.

And yet, icipe has progressed and thrived as envisioned. In fact, icipe may be described as an experiment that worked – a study in the intellectual communion of Africa’s scientific communities and research institutions across the world to solve the continent’s priority problems.

Today, the Centre prevails as a model of scientific excellence, uniquely combining generation of world-class knowledge, and the translation of such insights into innovative technologies, transforming the lives of numerous communities across Africa. icipe is also distinct in its holistic approach, working across Human Health, Animal Health, Plant Health and Environmental Health. Besides, the Centre is remarkable in its devotion and success in nurturing Africa’s leadership to produce and use insect science. icipe is also playing a leading role in strengthening doctoral training, as well as research and innovation in applied sciences, engineering and technology; and in the creation of a bioeconomy in Africa.

With headquarters and field stations in Kenya; country offices in Ethiopia and Uganda; operations in 41 African countries; 79 donors; and over 300 partnerships with a diverse range of organisations including academic, research, public and private institutions across the world, icipe is truly African, and remarkably global.

It is our sincere hope that you will find this publication to be an interesting and compelling account of the rhythm of continuation and evolution that has marked icipe’s progress over the past 50 years. Click here to download report

Yours sincerely

Dr Segenet Kelemu

Director General & CEO
