icipe Periodic External Review 2013 – 2017

The International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe) as a Centre of excellence embraces the need for constant re-evaluation towards innovative planning, execution and overall operations. With the revision of the Centre’s strategy in mind, the Governing Council (GC) of icipe commissioned the icipe Periodic External Review (IPER) in 2018 for the period of 2013-2017.

icipe Periodic External Review 2013-2017We are pleased to post the 2018 review report of the IPER, conducted recently by a Review Team of three international experts, Drs. John Lynam (Chair), Bruce Pengelly and Serap Aksoy. The review process is summarized in the report. The draft report was reviewed and commented on by icipe management and the IPER team weighed those comments in producing the final report.  The IPER team indicated that this has been a fair, transparent and impartial review.  The team concluded that icipe is a well-managed and highly productive research Centre and their findings are oriented to better strategically positioning the Centre in the medium-term future.

icipe plans to implement all the recommendations of IPER to reposition the Centre to meet new challenges and opportunities in tune with its institutional mandate and the development needs of its beneficiaries. icipe’s excellence in scientific outputs and generation of transformative technologies and products will continue to improve livelihoods sustainably and effectively in SSA. icipe aims to bring together the best of science and the best of development for the benefit of agriculture, health and the environment sectors of SSA.

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