Yisa Njowe Kieran Bong (Cameroon)

Yisa Bong

Research Project title: Characterization of the nutritional, antinutritional and therapeutic values of some selected edible insects from East Africa.

Research goals:  focuses on the nutritional and therapeutic aspects of edible insects commonly consumed in East Africa. Edible insects have been proposed by many researchers as a novel food source that could contribute in solving the problem of malnutrition and food insecurity plaguing especially the developing world. Hence it is of interest to nutritionally characterize these edible insects and seek ways of preserving them so that they could be available for human food.

Host project and funding:  BMZ and DAAD.

Supervisors:  Prof Baldwyn Torto, Dr Sevgan Subramanian,Dr Sunday Ekesi, Dr Komi Fiaboe (icipe) and Prof Gyebi K. Doudu, Prof Mohammad Naushad Emmambux (University).

Bio:  Yisa completed his undergraduate studies and obtained his MSc in biochemistry at the Univeristy of Yaunde.