Sammy Kiprotich Cheruiyot (Kenya)

Sammy Kiprotich Cheruiyot

Research project: Evaluating Varoa_specific hygenic behaviour and population dynamics of Varoa destructor in Apis melifera Scutellata colonies

Sammy is a DRIP MSc fellow supervised by Dr Elliud Muli and Dr Jernard Mbugi, Kenyatta University, Kenya. Sammy’s research interests include Effects of parasites, pathogens on beneficial insects and Host-pathogen relationship research and is currently working on evaluating Varoa_specific hygenic behaviour and population dynamics of Varoa destructor in Apis melifera Scutellata colonies.

Varroa mite is considered a crucial parasite in decreasing numbers of beekeepers and honey bee colonies worldwide. This research sets a basis for its management in Kenyan honey bees. Sammy Completed his undergraduate studies in BSc in Agricultural education and Extension (BSC AGED) at the Egerton University.