Ruth Kihika (Kenya)

Ruth Kihika

Research project: Identification of effectors and allelochemicals regulating root knot nematode parasitism

Research goals: Focus will be on chemical signals involved in the parasitism of root knot nematodes (RKNs) with the aim of developing a semiochemical based tool for their management.

Host project and funding: Identification of semiochemicals regulating biology of potential invasive pests to the United States project, funded by the United States Department of Agriculture/Agricultural Research Service (USDA/ARS).

Bio: Ruth holds a BSc in Chemistry from Moi University, Kenya and an MSc in Chemistry from Kenyatta University.  She is a member of the Horticultural Association of Kenya (HAK) and the International Society of Chemical Ecology (ISCE).

Supervisors: Dr David Tchouassi and Prof. Baldwyn Torto.