Kochelani Saili (Zambia)

Kochelani Saili

Research Project: Evaluating the Feasibility and Impact on Malaria Transmission of Community-Based House-Screening as an Additional Vector Control Intervention in Zambia

Research goals: To assess efficacy of house-screening and Long-Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLINs) in reduction of indoor mosquito-vector densities compared to sole-use of LLINs in malaria control. Also, assess the socio-economic incremental costs and benefits of Integrated Vector Management.

Host project and funding:  AFRO-II Project funded by the World Health Organization Regional Office for Africa (WHO-AFRO) through icipe and the National Malaria Elimination Centre (NMEC), Zambia.

Supervisors: Prof. Clifford Mutero Dr. Ulrike Fillinger and Dr. Menale Kassie.

Bio: Kochelani Saili holds a BSc (Ecology major) and a MSc. in Entomology, both from the University of Zambia.