Faith Isikhuemen Ebhodaghe (Nigeria)

Faith Isikhuemen Ebhodaghe

Research project: Characterising the impact of community-driven tsetse and trypanosomiasis control in the human-livestock-wildlife interface of Shimba Hills, Kwale County, Kenya

Research goals: To evaluate comparative impact of conventional tsetse and trypanosomiasis (T&T) control tools and a novel T&T control technology, the Waterbuck-derived tsetse-repellent compound in the Shimba Hills, Kwale County, Kenya. 

Host projects and funding:  Upscaling community-driven tsetse and trypanosomiasis control (Biovision Foundation) and Integrated Biological Control Applied Research Project, Tsetse component (European Union).

Bio: Faith holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Zoology from Ambrose Alli University, Nigeria and a Master of Philosophy in Entomology from the University of Ghana, Legon. He is a member of the Zoological Society of Nigeria. 

Supervisors: Drs. Michael Okal and Beatrice Muriithi

Advisors: Drs. Dan Masiga and Tobias Landmann