Mr Lulseged Belayhun
Mr Lulseged Belayhun
Mr Belayhun joined icipe Ethiopia Office in 1997, and he has since worked on various projects being implemented by the Centre in Gurage Zone, Assosa, Keto, Shewa Robit, and more recently in Tolay, focusing on: the control of tse tse flies and trypanosomiasis; malaria; maize stem borers and striga.
Since 2011, he has been managing the icipe community beekeeping project in Tolay, whose major activities are: introducing improved beekeeping technologies; control of bee diseases and pests and testing of bee pollination services. currently he is working in three projects YESH, MoYESH and Biovision beekeeping program manager.
Previously, Mr Belayhun worked for the Tana Beles Development Project as a field officer.
He holds an MSc (2013) in Rural Development from St Mary University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and a BSc (2000) in Agriculture and Rural Development from Alpha University.
He has written scientific publications and co-authored four scientific papers, one working book and five training manuals written in local Ethiopian languages.