Kiatoko Nkoba
Dr Kiatoko Nkoba
Dr. Kiatoko Nkoba is a Research Scientist in icipe’s Environmental Health Theme and is based at Duduville.
A former ARPPIS student (2008– 2012), Dr Kiatoko holds a PhD in Applied Agricultural Entomology from Kenyatta University, Kenya, conducted in partnership with icipe. He also holds an MSc in Aquaculture from the University of Liege, Belgium and a BSc in Agricultural Sciences, from the University of Kinshasa in Democratic Republic of the Congo.
He joined icipe in 2013 to build the Centre’s expertise and capacity in stingless bees and pollination. He currently develops several hive designs and management techniques to domesticate African stingless bee species for honey production and pollination of horticultural crop for farmers in Africa. Some of his research work is on the pollination efficiency of native pollinator in enhancing horticultural and plantation food crop yields in greenhouses and plantation. Dr. Kiatoko is involved in creation of stingless bees awareness and establishing of meliponiculture in Africa.
Before joining icipe in 2008, he worked in the Faculty of Agricultural Science at the University of Kinshasa, International NGO'S, the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisherie and Livestock in Democratic Republic of the Congo.
One of his research interests is on studying the impact of habitat degradation on wild bee population diversity and develop invitro technics for mass production of stingless bee queens.