Dr Elfatih M. Abdel-Rahman
Dr Elfatih M. Abdel-Rahman
Dr. Elfatih Abdel-Rahman is a Scientist in the Data Management, Modelling and Geo-Information (DMMG) Unit.
Dr Abdel-Rahman holds an MSc in Crop Production and a PhD in Environmental Sciences, specialising in geographic information systems and remote sensing. He has been working in Africa for over 12 years with multidisciplinary teams of environmental scientists, agronomists, entomologists, plant pathologists, mathematical modelers, computer scientists, engineers, geographers and social scientists.
Since joining icipe in June 2014, Dr. Abdel-Rahman has worked on the use of remote sensing, Earth observation and geospatial modelling tools to improve the management of complex agro-natural systems and to enhance crop insect pest and disease risks monitoring, forecasting and early warning systems. This extensive experience, coupled with his background as an agronomist and an associate professor, gives him an excellent foundation to carry out various geospatial modelling tasks across the icipe’s 4H themes, as well as contribute to building a competitive and multidisciplinary data and geospatial modeling team.
He has developed instrumental skills in resource mobilisation, mentoring and supervising interns, MSc and PhD postgraduate fellows in the fields of Earth observation, remote sensing and geospatial modelling to monitor and improve agricultural production, ecosystem services and natural resource management. He has published about 75 peer-reviewed papers and given 50 conference presentations. His Google Scholar Citation Index is 1745 citations, h-index 19, i10 index 38. ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5694-0291